Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy anniversary to me clearly I have not mastered the art of consistent blogging. But I am making a commitment now to myself and anyone else out there who is interested that I will, as of today, blog weekly come hell or high waters or a niece’s wedding (that you have committed to being wedding coordinator for), or art show deadlines (which you are not quite ready for) or children graduating (which I will never be ready for) or family commitments (which, honestly, will always come first).

I am feeling very reflective today since it is the year anniversary of challenging myself to pursue my artwork, find what I am passionate about and try to become a real live artist. Actually it is the year anniversary of the Edmonds arts festival. I made the challenge to myself to enter the show January first 2008. I entered last year and had ten things accepted, won a third place in miniatures and sold four things. It gave me the courage to keep going and more importantly; allowed me to meet some phenomenal artists who's advice and support have been invaluable in my journey. I would be remiss in not mentioning Sue Robertson in particular. She invited me to join her experimental painting group which is this amazing group of prolific, professional, talented and honestly quite intimidating (their work...they didn't taunt me or anything) women who meet monthly. I am continually amazed at how open and supportive they all are and such a constant source of inspiration. So thank you, thank you, thank you to Sue Robertson (Joyful Art), Tracy Kay Fraker, Dawn Reick, Lynn Scott , Nancy Thompson and Mona Fairbanks. Check out their art and pick up a piece or two if you possibly can!

I feel a bit like I am giving an Oscar speech....I would also like to thank my mother........actually I would really truly like to thank my mother for always letting me make a mess (and believe me I did!) and for supporting and encouraging me to someday "do my art". I really believe that support from her and the rest of my family gave me the courage to take the leap into artdom.

I would also like to thank all the little, just kidding, you have to forgive me. I am feeling a bit giddy and silly because I just returned from the final day of this year’s Edmonds arts festival and I had a great time. I won two first places (prints and sculpture) and sold six pieces (to people that weren't even related to me....I checked). Check out the Edmonds Arts festival for pictures of my two winning pieces.

So what's next...we'll see....but for today anyway, I feel like a real true blue artist. Not because I sold work but because I am building bonds with artists that I so respect, and learning ways to grow in my craft (whatever that may be.....I have not gotten a grasp on the focus on one thing concept yet), and more and more venues to show and see and become inspired and invigorated by art; a truly essential part of my being. So thanks again to everyone who understands that art truly does feed the soul.

Now go out there and buy some art! Or make some art! Or, if you must, do the dishes.......then paint your cat (I think there are some very animal safe ways to do this; I saw a whole book of painted cats..really) or your kitchen chairs or knit a squirrel (not a real squirrel....I don't think there is any safe way to do that) or get your old rock polisher out or paper Mache a bust of your husband (or any bust you may prefer)....go have I always tell my kids....Take chances, make mistakes, get messy! (Though I really meant it more figuratively that they took it.....oh well, live and learn)

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